Monday, November 21, 2011

Mama Memo Monday #3

Full disclosure: I intended to blost this edition of Mama Memo Monday a couple of weeks ago. However, between Halloween craziness (a day chock full o' ridiculous celeb buzz) and soothing a sad and sick toddler who is getting like ALL of his teeth in at once, it got put off. But let's face it, I'm a Mom so flexible is my other, other name. And speaking of flexible . . .

Long live stretchy pants!

I cannot sing the praises of loungy clothes enough. I have been a fan of stretchy pants (or the like) since I was a child. I have always been one of those people who comes home from school, work, errands, etc. and immediately changes out of my outside world (translation: presentable) clothes into comfy (translation: can double as pajamas) clothes. I believe it was my Nana who instilled the love of comfort in me and my fam because every Christmas, without fail, there'd be a pair of cozy sweats waiting for each of us under the tree.

Pondering parenthood? Well do yourself a favor and stock up on stretchy pants now. Any kind of exercise pants will do, even if that's the last thing you use them for. After my C-section I could not put "real" (aka non-elastic waist band) pants on for a good couple of months. My yoga pants saved the day then and continue to many months later.

Whether you are the one giving birth or not, you will be up with the baby all night and taking care of it all day for the first couple of months. And, unless you're one of those people who likes to be put together and dressed up ALL the time (man, I respect that effort), there are numerous reasons to sport the stretch. Here are a few:

1. You will be spit up on (and later thrown up on).
2. You will be peed and/or pooped on (sometimes simultaneously).
3. Food will be thrown at/dumped on you.
4. You will often need to dress in a hurry.
5. In the beginning, you will want to nap every chance you get and if you've got your stretchies on you are ready for nap time, any time.

Do you really want to be wearing your favorite "dry clean only" slacks when any of the above happens? I think not. It's imperative that you can wash and wear. Trust me.

And don't think it's just the ladies who like to get comfy . . . the menfolk are fans of stretchy pants as well: