Wednesday, May 18, 2011

True Lies

Down with The Sperminator! I know it's an obvious and cheap shot but how can I resist? In the last 24 hours (publicly) and decade (on the down low), Arnold Schwarzenegger has managed to become the embodiment of everything that's wrong with men in politics and Hollywood. He is the ultimate hybrid of grody-former-Governor meets abhorrent-former-action-hero. I speak from experience when I say that trying to get pregnant isn't the easiest task in the world (and those people who say it is are super annoying . . . but I digress), however it's pretty easy to prevent. As if the fact that Arnold cheated wasn't enough, there is LIVING, breathing evidence that he was not using protection during his disgusting dalliances (HELLO, STDs, HIV or all of the above!) and, in my opinion, that is the ultimate form of disrespect toward his wife. Not to mention this particular "other woman" was a trusted member of the family's staff and household. Disrespect for Maria Shriver (an intelligent, powerful, independent, seemingly lovely woman and mother and successful journalist and author) was happening left and right and under her own roof. That's what makes this so extra sleazy. It's just like a Hollywood Politician to wait for over a decade to tell his wife about his purposefully misplaced child until it's convenient for him; once he's fulfilled his lifelong dream (I'm guessing) of being a head of state. Where do these men (don't even get me started on the mega disappointment that was John Edwards) get such a sense of self-importance and the impression that they're above social law?!? Which leads me to a topic for another time . . . why bother being married? It's not a simple task, so if you aren't up for the challenge, do not do it. Oh, the hypocrisy of it all!

If Maria really didn't know anything about the affair and/or Arnold's other child this entire time, I feel for her. And, as a resident of California, I feel that it's a shame Arnold wasn't as committed to running this state as he was to keeping his secret. But do you know who I feel the most for? The kids. Arnold and Maria's kids have most likely been shaken to their cores with the knowledge that their father is a cheater and that there is another human being in the world, who they didn't know existed until now, who shares their DNA. They are fortunate to have each other, and a plethora of family (they are part Kennedy after all), to lean on. But then there's the "other child", or by this time (according to reports), teen. How brutal has life become in the last 24 hours for him? It breaks my heart to think about that young man questioning everything he knows about his life and those closest to him, namely his mother. All. Those. Questions. I hope the media will respect his privacy for as long as possible. I hope that his family and friends rally around him and give him the support he needs and deserves. I hope the kids at school aren't too cruel if/when they find out. I hope this doesn't ruin his relationship with his mother. Please excuse my "Shawshank" moment but I do hope all of these things.    

Now that the truth is out, let the healing begin for all of the children and [good] parents involved! I don't agree with media buzz that this scandal will help Schwarzenegger relaunch his acting career. He wasn't a good actor to begin with people (although "Kindergarten Cop" will always hold a special place in my heart)! What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. You got to the crux of the mess: Disrespect for Maria, who will move forward precisely because she a Kennedy, a family who has seen more than their share of tragedy. But most of all a devastating blow to the kids, all of them, who will never trust their parents again and who must live in the fishbowl of daily humiliating remarks from the travesty that our so-called "news" media has become. (I expect to see CNN's Wolf Blitzer or Anderson Cooper camped out in Bakersfield any moment now.) And the irony of it all? the infinite sadness? It will not affect Arnold's career in the least--and that is a tragedy of magnificent proportions.
