Monday, October 31, 2011

Dear Kim Kardashian,

Please tell me that your divorce filing today is some sort of Halloween hoax? You can't REALLY be SERIOUSLY ending your [second and ill-advised] marriage after, like, 5 minutes? Although I don't know you personally and have zero idea what goes on in your "real" life, here are the reasons this news is completely unacceptable to me:

Have you no respect for the sanctity of marriage? There are human beings in this world that want nothing more than to make an eternal commitment with the man or woman that they love; but they do not have the legal right to marry. And here you are, treating it like something disposable. Something that you can just try out for a minute or two and then undo. That is not fair!

Isn't the greater Los Angeles area full of therapists?! Yes, and there are probably just as many of them as there are struggling actors in your neck of the woods. They need work and marriage takes work! How's about picking up the phone and getting some marriage counseling on the books before packing it in and calling it a day? How can you just go from [supposedly] being soooooooo in love to this?

Didn't anyone advise you to live together first? Living in sin is the best! It's how you truly learn about your partner and whether marriage will be the right step for you or not. There's no better way than to immerse yourself into daily and nightly life with them. Maybe try that first, next time?

What a waste!
  • A waste of money. SO. Much. Money. 
  • A waste of time. Do you know how hard people had to bust their a$$es to make your day perfect? From the wedding planner to the groundskeeper at the estate where you got hitched. Hundreds of people [I'm guessing] put their blood, sweat and tears into making your day memorable. 
  • A waste of food. All that wedding food would have been better served as a donation to food banks in time for the holiday season. The last thing your mostly well-to-do guests needed that day was to be well fed.
  • A waste of materials. You [unnecessarily] wore 3 wedding gowns on your [now meaningless] big day. I was going to suggest this to you whether the relationship lasted or not but please, PLEASE consider donating those dresses so that 3 brides-to-be can make something good and beautiful out of your made-for-TV marriage's demise.

If for no other reason (like love), you should reconsider making this marriage work for your mother's sake. After all, she went under the knife for that express facelift so she could look her very best at YOUR wedding. Whatever happened to respecting our [plastic/well preserved] elders?!

You're welcome for putting things into perspective,


  1. you should post this to her twitter lol. So good!

  2. This really is so good! Exactly what I have been thinking all day! You know all the right things to you!!

  3. Now remind me again: Who is Kim Kadarshian?
