Monday, August 8, 2011

Mama Memo Monday

I am a planner (translation: control freak) in all aspects of my life. However, when it came to finding out the gender of our first baby, David and I agreed that it would add to the excitement of the pregnancy (and it did) to wait until he/she entered the world to know. I cross my heart and swear to you that I did not have a preference in the matter; I only wanted a happy, healthy baby and that's exactly what we got! There is nothing like that moment of the "big reveal" and when Cade made his long-anticipated entrance in that delivery room, all three of us were in tears (for different reasons, of course, but in tears just the same). All that having been said, when we registered for our baby showers we picked all gender-neutral items; everything was made for boy AND girl.

Most preggos and their mates cannot (and do not) want to wait to find out what they're having (besides a baby ;), but to those people I ask this simple question: are you planning on having more than one child? If the answer is yes (or maybe), then when you register, I highly recommend going gender-neutral in the bedding and bath departments. Adding accent colors and decorations that are more gender-specific can be done with those basic pieces. Also, think about all the big ticket items a baby requires (swings, pack 'n plays, high chairs, car seats (infant and toddler), strollers, etc. . . .) and how much money you (and loved ones) will save if you go neutral with them. This doesn't mean that EVERY item you register for has to be green and/or yellow. The days of pink OR blue are long gone so there is much more flexibility (the infant car seat and stroller we chose are baby blue and the jogging stroller I purchased is red and black). This is just one easy way to have fun planning for the future and be frugal at the same time!  

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