Monday, August 1, 2011

Honey, I Shrunk the Kid's Hair

After a few weeks of debating whether we should or we shouldn't cut his hair, I finally decided that Cade needed a new "do". The curly wisps were super cute (and made it through his first birthday) but they were driving our lil' man nuts. His "sideburns" were so long that they tickled his ears and he was constantly tugging at them (the tendrils and his ears) and trying to move them away (naturally they bounced right back into place). So I made an appointment at our local kid salon and 24 hours later our little baby officially looked like a little boy. Here is C in the super fun car chair, ready for a new look:

And here are a couple of shots of the sweet new style:

I must admit that when the stylist started snipping I got a little choked up . . . Cade just looked so grown up in the chair and it seemed too soon for us to be taking him to an appointment that wasn't with his pediatrician. While I was sad to see the longer locks go, and check yet ANOTHER "first" off of Cade's rapidly growing list, I love that we can see more of that sweet face and he seems so much more comfortable now.


  1. Photo 1: "I really need to pass this guy on the big wheel."

  2. Sort of made me sad too to think that those curls were clipped. But the day had come. Love the pics of that little boy.
