Monday, February 7, 2011

Have You Seen This Giraffe?

A beloved member of our family has gone missing and I think I'm more broken up about it than anyone else. Cade is teething like crazy and when I went to find Sophie the Giraffe for him to gnaw on late last week, she was nowhere to be found. I have torn apart his room and most of the house in my search but I fear that one of the following scenarios has occurred: 1. At some point during our travels out and about in the last couple of weeks, Sophie was "chucked" from Mr. Cade's stroller and she made a run for it. Or B. Our dog, Duncan (who has been eyeing sweet Sophie since she made her first appearance in our home in July and never seemed to trust the lil' giraffe and her weak squeak), has skillfully hidden her somewhere in the house or backyard that I am not aware of. I'll do one more quick sweep of the usual places and hope to find her; and if I don't, thank goodness for overnight shipping!

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