Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happiness is . . .

One of my favorite books from childhood is "Happiness is a Warm Puppy" by Charles M. Schulz (Mr. Peanuts himself). I still have my original copy and pick it up from time to time for a smile. I will sprinkle what happiness means to me into my musings here and I would love to hear what it means to you as well so please share when the mood strikes!

To kick things off . . .
Happiness is having my sister live nearby so that she is able to come over for dinner on a weeknight for special sister AND precious auntie time.


  1. love, Love, LOVE this entry! Not only because I am the core subject, but I love the idea of the "happiness is" from time to time ;) You're so creative, Hon, and I'm thinking good, big things will come your way because of it ;) LOVE you and your precious fam..I am the lucky one living by you guys! See you Sundee with brownie mix, sifter, and tupperware containers (2) in tow!! xoxo

  2. "Happiness is" . . . stumbling into my kitchen for my morning cappucino and seeing Cade's picture on my refrigerator smilling at me.
