Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Scrubbing

Spring is slowly but surely in bloom and a familiar feeling is creeping up on me . . . a feeling that is only matched by the desire to get outside, get some sun on my Casper-esque features, and work the baby weight right off. I have been overcome with the urge to clean my house from top to bottom. Earlier this week I bought a new shower curtain liner and yesterday I took all of the plastic rings (aka shower curtain "holders") down and gave them a good scrubbing before putting everything back together, fresh and clean! I felt such a sense of satisfaction from such a simple and random task. What are your secrets to a successful Spring Cleaning? Do tell.

1 comment:

  1. Let's see. I always start with my pantry which gets out of hand too easily. And then my refrigerator. Then I look at my windows and know it must be much brighter out there than I think because they are too grimy to let the light in.
