Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sippy Cup Communicator

Batman had the bat phone. Inspector Gadget's niece, Penny, had the video watch. The d-bag in line in front of you at Starbucks this morning had a bluetooth earpiece that he unnecessarily shouted the [likely exaggerated and mostly fabricated] details of his wild Vegas weekend into.

Cade has the sippy cup communicator.

Go for Cade.
This is serious.

What is this MacGyver-esque contraption, you ask? Why, it's an international cell phone cleverly disguised as his milk container. How do I know he can make calls abroad with said phone? a. I'm not sure what language he's speaking when he uses it but b. with all the inflections in his voice and the animated storytelling going on, I'm convinced there is someone on the other end who understands every word and they are working together to make the world a better place.  

My hero!